Campus Cup Champions Again-Firing Squad!

Campus Cup Champions Again-Firing Squad!
The winners of the first ever Campus Cup (2016-2017) was Firing Squad!  Firing Squad is a team of young men that originated from MSV South - 2nd Floor.  These competitors were tenacious in their dedication to winning the title.  Participating in over 90% of RSF activities  and winning both Flag Football and Water Basketball made them the decisive winners.  
"Now we are all really close friends and Campus Cup definitely helped us become good friends. It was also something that brought us all together and united us. We've meet more people on campus through this which is important on a campus like IIT where it's hard to become friends with other people. I think my personal favorite sports were water basketball, football, and outdoor soccer. I think my favorite moment was learning to play cricket with the team or winning the flag football championship." - Jared Wohn (pictured second from the left)

Challenge Firing Squad as they try to defend their title in 2017-18.  Sign up your team now on, click on "Campus Cup".  If you have any questions, please contact Courtney Budd at