Mask Monday: Oluwaseun Ogunsanya (Men's Soccer)

Mask Monday: Oluwaseun Ogunsanya (Men's Soccer)

CHICAGO--Oluwaseun Ogunsanya is a senior for the Scarlet Hawks men's soccer team. Learn more about the information technology management major from Naperville, Illinois. 



Opponent: MIlwaukee School Of Engineering (MSOE)

Opponent Stadium: Maranatha Baptist

Road Trip: Grace Christain

Professional Athlete: Samuel Eto'o

Professional Team: Chelsea Football Club

Pastime: Play video games

College Course: ITM Management (Business Innovation)

Prized Possession: My talents

TV Show: Avatar: The Last Airbender

Singer or Group: James Arthur

Book: The Great Gatsby

Food: Plantain and Beans

Movie: Black Panther

Actor or Actress: Kevin Hart

Restaurant: Roister Restaurant

Vacation Spot: Bora Bora, Tahiti

Web Site:



Why I Chose Illinois Tech: I felt ready to begin my college career at Illinois Tech. The opportunity to live in the city, go to a sound academic school, and play soccer was a no-brainer for me.

Strength/Weakness: Hardworker/too competitive

Game Day Ritual: Pray and keep a positive attitude

Most Memorable Athletic Moment: Playing in Spain

Biggest Fear: Heights

My First Job: Jersey Mike's

Person I'd Most Like to Meet: Jeff Bezos

What Most People Don't Know About Me: I like my quiet space sometimes.

Best Player I've Ever Played Against: Inaki Williams 

If I Could Change One Thing About Myself: Nothing, an important part of personal development is accepting who you are and loving every part.

Something I Never Leave Home Without: My phone and wallet

Advice to a Young Athlete: Enjoy every moment, put in work and be the best version of yourself. 

Sport I'd Like to Try Someday: Football

Influences On My Athletic Career: My coach, dad, teammates and opponents.

Post-Illinois Tech Plans: Play professional soccer